For advocates of a smoothly flow art could be characterized as the production of dysfunction. This exhibition follows a certain type of dysfunction, which proceeds from the removal of an object out of its inherent environment to the modification of the general idea of this object.
To put useful items isolated into a white cube without the permission to touch them, will wrest these items from their genuine function. They become something like the neutral, materialized concept of their own sort. If these items are obviously also procured different on purpose than their “relatives” outside the gallery space, the dysfunction increases and is led into a certain direction. The disruption of our regular living environment represented by this certain “object of art” gets more specific by the created differences towards the general sort of this object and therefore better to appoint. The status “the object is out of its inherent place and therefore becomes a general representative of his sort” changes into the status “the object is out of its inherent place, it reveals abnormal characteristics and therefore becomes an irritating sub-version of his sort.”
This exhibition conceives images and objects, which imitate surfaces and objects of daily grind in their primary iconography and therefore evoke the sensation of the familiar. Though under closer observation they feature characteristics that make it impossible to subsume the shown into the usual categories.
By inserting targeted strategies of exaggeration, illusion, impracticalness and breaking, the artists succeed in undermining expectations, in unhinging things from their usual relations and in reconfiguring the meaning of these things. Thereby the works can resolve into clandestine dissidents of our personal surroundings. They are bearers of the subversion in our all day living, they mark cracks in our awareness, new comprehension and possible points of reversal.
Opening Thu 20 Jul 7 pm
20 - 29 Jul 2017
Thu - Sat 3 - 7 pm
frontviews temporary at
Danzigerstraße 145
10407 Berlin
related links:
Johanna Jaeger
Marie von Heyl
Markus Wüste
Kathrin Köster
Sinta Werner