Let us assume, that the appropriation of the world is an individual tailored parcour for each individual. The delicate defined progress of meetings and situations from birth to death would not be certain before, but would be generated unpredictable out of the steady changing, complex conditions, that surround and weaves themselves into this progress of life. Nevertheless there would be some marks, which would be awaiting within the parcours of a lot of people, for instance the view to the sky at night, the norms of modernism, that form our industrial produced environment or the deep scepticism for this omnipotence of rationalism.
These three factors, that is to say primary existence, industrial modernism and spiritual challenge of the Enlightenment constitute the triad of this exhibition. The positions are not brought together, because they would negotiate with the same issues, but they are representing the three very different extremes of an important constellation in our present. Hervé Humbert´s mirror work “Atelier Window” is based on his industrial produced studio window, which sets the norm for his view to the outside at his working place. The eighth part of the window seems to be open. Emir Šehanović´s sculptures and psychedelic imagery in different titles are deviated from Sufism, a pre-Islamic and mystic doctrine. It proclaims the inner connection of all existing and had established various spiritual-magical rites and practises relying on that dogma. Šehanović comes from Bosnia, where the influence of Sufism is graspable in all day life. The light installation “Todays Atlas” by Sophia Pompéry uses the associative light image of a planet for the projection of the milky way into the space behind that planet. In that manner the perforated view through the planet results in his cosmic ambience at the same time and by the way becomes a relay of our positioning in stellar entity. The renaming of the greek constellations into things of today by the artist however subjectifies and subverts the bonding value of an eternally fixed astrology, that would have connected generations of humankind.
The word GENODEM features the greek term γένος – GENOS, which means sex or genus. That noun proceed into the latin verb GENERARE, meaning to create / to bear. This development culminates in the German GENOM. Although the term is well defined and occupied by the science of the twentieth century, GENOM could be, interpreted more widely, considered as an inherent program for the unfolding of life. Like a magic spell (for instance MUTABOR – I will be transmuted) GENODEM bears the potential of a creation on its own terms. GENODEM1GLS is just the BIC/Swift Code of a bank, resident in Bochum. But after all a bank, that dedicated itself to sustainability.
Stephan Klee
Opening Fri 18 Aug 7 pm
18 Aug - 2 Sep 2017
Thu - Sat 3 - 7 pm
frontviews temporary at
Danzigerstraße 145
10407 Berlin
related links:
Sophia Pompéry
Emir Šehanović
Hervé Humbert