Bretz/Holliger, Willem Besselink, Jessica Buhlmann, Stella Geppert, Birgit Hölmer & Marc Klee, Timo Herbst, Yala Juchmann & Kathrin Köster, Thorsten A. Kasper, Alana Lake, Ulrike Mohr, Susanne Roewer, Katja Pudor & Sophia Schama, Raul Walch, Christof Zwiener
30 Apr - 19 Jun 2021
wed - sat 2 - 6 pm
only with actual 24 h negative Covid-Test
Please wear a mask.
with the very kind support of the Berliner Senatsverwaltung
für Kultur und Europa
Frontviews at HAUNT
Kluckstraße 23 A | Yard
D - 10785 Berlin
Kicking off as a Soft Gallery Weekend, the first group exhibition of frontviews in 2021 will take place under the name Snitches get Stitches from April 30 till June 19th. The following artists will take part: Bretz/Holliger, Jessica Buhlmann, Stella Geppert, Birgit Hölmer & Marc Klee, Timo Herbst, Yala Juchmann & Kathrin Köster, Thorsten Alexander Kasper, Alana Lake, Ulrike Mohr, Katja Pudor & Sophia Schama, Susanne Roewer, Raul Walch, Nicole Wendel, and Christof Zwiener. Art works in various mediums, like video, painting, sculptures and installations will be placed in constant dialogue with the open air yard, where the exhibition will take place.
The culture centre, which hosts the event, is in fact the patio of the former training rooms of the Grünflächenamt Mitte/Tiergarten. For over seven years the site remained unused, empty and devoid of human activity. Nature has taken advantage of the time in this urban context and continues to proliferate undisturbed, even under the presence of the artists and theorists of the European collective frontviews, whom - with their human reactivation of the complex- have brought the name HAUNT and a new purpose: a place to present and mediate European contemporary art.
In the current period, in a constant loss of freedom and of the usual everyday life, one wonders how the art world can react. It is about letting go old certainties, it is about the loss of control and meaning. Allowing things to flourish freely: as well as the gentle coexistence of vegetation in the open air, the free enjoyment and interaction with works of art.
The blossoming and flourishing of nature brings us back to the feeling of spring, rebirth and change, which in HAUNT is based on the primary openness to the other, the new. Thus quoting Byung-Chul Han in The Expulsion of the Other: “Only the encounter with the Other, destabilizing and enlivening, can give everyone their own identity and generate real experience."
Therefore, it is obvious to open up new and real spaces and experiment with new ways of working. On the occasion of this first group exhibition for 2021 at HAUNT, in this way, the whole group becomes active in relation to the audience.
Chiara Bonamin and Stephan Klee
related links
Willem Besselink
Jessica Buhlmann
Stella Geppert
Birgit Hölmer
Marc Klee
Timo Herbst
Yala Juchmann
Kathrin Köster
Thorsten A. Kasper
Alana Lake
Ulrike Mohr
Susanne Roewer
Katja Pudor
Sophia Schama
Raul Walch
Christof Zwiener