Soft Opening Fri 10 Sep 2 - 9 pm
during Berlin Artweek:
10 Sep - 2 Oct 2021
wed - sat 2 - 6 pm
Frontviews at HAUNT
Kluckstraße 23 A / yard
D - 10785 Berlin
The installation is outside, please hold a minimum distance of 2 metres
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with the essential support of Kunstfonds Bonn and the Berliner Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa
Dafni Barbageorgopoulou´s new work consists of two large tent-like baseball caps that have never been shown before. It will be exhibited outdoors in the HAUNT courtyard.
Vagabonds takes the idea of vulnerability as a starting point and reflects on migration within the cultural and social-economic landscape.
The artist's focus in this case is on how the experience of vagabonding can be concretised through a set of culturally defined codes. Her playful approach to the material relates directly to the fact of not having a fixed abode, while at the same time referencing fashion trends that are based on a lifestyle that is antithetical to what a true vagabond might experience.
With Vagabonds, Barbageorgopoulou attempts to embody "the experience of freedom" through the sculptural form while subtly referencing a series of socio-political narratives.
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